Saturday, January 14, 2006

An interesting day

What aday , it stared by taking bex and libby to the Airport in plenty of time ,only to find the freeway was being worked on and they shut it!!! this meant we were late ,the lines were long etc . we eventually got them thro all the checks and they were on their way !!! i just arrived home when sam's lacrosse coach rang and said they thought he had broken his arm and could i meet him at the fields!!! the field are miles away, the directions are terrible, Sam is getting worse so Ambulance is called!!! i arrive we go to a hospital and then leave 4hours later !!!! I dislike the USA medical system and we have insurance cover !!! It is almost a year to the week that sam broke his wrist snowboarding last year!!!! It must be an annual thing!!!He was very brave and did great . The girls have got to Chicago and the last leg to go . They are looking definately more tanned than when they arrived!!! it will fade as soon as they land!!!Sam is now drugged up and dosey with his arm in plaster!! This is a picture of Sam without the broken arm!!!


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